Monday Jan 16:
I decide to take the kids to Homebush Aquatic Centre today, the site of previous Olympian heroics like Ian Thorpe's record breaking appearances. None of those glories today - the children's section is one giant playground.
Annika runs straight for the Tipping Bucket and sits down to wait for the big splash. Mathew is not game but proceeds to dive under the water again and again. There's an interesting side effect. Turbo boy emerges with a line of yellow snot streaming from one nostril. I quickly duck his head in the water to get rid of it...he re-emerges with the yellow streak between his eyes sneaking up his forehead. Another ducking does the trick but then the second nostril starts! That one takes a helping hand from Grandma to get rid of. I get to wondering how many other snotty noses are in that pool. Uugh! Not worth thinking about!
The pool is a madhouse, full of screaming jostling kids, too close for comfort when we do the raging river run. But I'm achieving my aim, to wear Turbo Boy out so he'll sleep well tonight. The night before he was so excited to be staying over at Grandma's (after two years of promises) his mind was going a miillion miles an hour and he coudln't sleep until after ten. Then he woke up at 6am. We had to play quietly so as not to wake Annika sleeping on the sofa bed by request. There's a challenge, his voice is set permanently at a zillion decibels high.
Four hours later we pile into the car to go home. "When are we going to the park Grandma?" 'AFTER I'VE HAD MY COFFEE AND A SIT DOWN' "Then can we go?" 'Yes,' I say, looking at the clouds, and praying for the same heavy rain we had this morning,
No such luck. An hour later the sun is blazing and we're playing cricket (he never relinquishes the bat.) We let him run after his own balls, his skinny little legs going fifty to the dozen. I metaphorically rub my hands with satisfaction.
Mathew has two speeds, flat out or the dragging dawdle, which is what he have on the way home. Once in the flat he declares he's going to bed - NOT -the mattress is still airing after his nocturnal accident. Any way he meant the couch, and watching Roary.
FInally by 8.30 he's in bed asleep. That's what it takes but what about Grandma? Shes pooped.
Annika says, 'It's different with Mathew here Grandma.' It's dawning on her that playing teachers and cafes is never going to be the same, and I don't see all three of us in the kitchen together making cakes. But that's alright.
The next day we go to my local pool where there's not so much to do but it's less chaotic. Therefore I can keep an eye on Turbo Boy better. It's amazing how alike five year old skinny, dark haired boys are!
He and Annika play at being dolphins once I get out of the water. They play so well together. Another bonus is the warm water. Mathew is not sporting his customary blue lips after hours in the pool. A bonus for Grandma. As we're sitting on the little deck eating some chips, the Canterbury Bulldogs team members come out of the water after a training swim. (The Bulldogs are the local rugby league team)
Even Annika notices. "Look Grandma, they're all muscly." Indeed they are ; Ooh la la! I think I'll book us in for next week too!
I deposit them home in the evening and prepare myself for Round Two next week. .
Pol's Blog
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year everyone
The calendar Val sent me from Chatsworth House knew it was the end of the year. It fell off the wall of its own accord on Dec 31. I barely noticed, I was that busy cooking turkey roll, stuffing and baked potatoes, not to mention the plum and apple pie, and the salmon dip. I had to get it all done and packed in the car in time for me to reach Milson's Point before they closed the roads at noon for the fireworks. Luckily the traffic was light even though it comprised the dithery weekend drivers, uugh!!!!
Had to have a lie down when I reached the penthouse (for those in the know it's the same place Maxine & Dirk got married and where I had my 70th birthday.)
When Skye awoke from her nap Maxine and I took her and the dog Mono for a walk to nearby Bradfrield Park. (the same place you and I watched the fireworks from Maxine [sis] a couple of years ago.) Security was already set up and people were staking their patches complete with tents and champagne... only 10 hours to midnight!
Maxine patrolled the park with the dog while I took Skye into the play area. When she cnme back Maxine said people mistook Mono for a Sniffer dog!!! The weather was clearing and looked promising.
I had a call from Cris and Eddie who were on the road to Tamworth for a few days.Tamworth is inland, famous for its country music festival, not a top holiday destination usually but Ed picked it because it was the wartmes, sunniest place on the weather map.
After Skye went to bed we drank and feasted until it was time for the first fireworks at 9pm. Lovely show, and I got good video footage. then it was time for pie and a cup of strong coffee so I could stay awake. Meanwhile bleow us Luna Park rocked on with a terrible band booming away at full pitch.
Some friends joined us at ten pm (Eric & Barry say hi David) and we went back on the roof with more champagne for the most spectacular show. The theme is 'a time to dream' and 'hope' which was reflected in the fireworks, more variety of colours and little clouds like thought bubbles every now and again. Great stuff.
Trying to sleep afterwards was a fool's game. They were still partying hard at Luna Park. and the apartment has a lot of big windows. Never mind. It was worth it.
Happy New Year to one and all.
Had to have a lie down when I reached the penthouse (for those in the know it's the same place Maxine & Dirk got married and where I had my 70th birthday.)
When Skye awoke from her nap Maxine and I took her and the dog Mono for a walk to nearby Bradfrield Park. (the same place you and I watched the fireworks from Maxine [sis] a couple of years ago.) Security was already set up and people were staking their patches complete with tents and champagne... only 10 hours to midnight!
Maxine patrolled the park with the dog while I took Skye into the play area. When she cnme back Maxine said people mistook Mono for a Sniffer dog!!! The weather was clearing and looked promising.
I had a call from Cris and Eddie who were on the road to Tamworth for a few days.Tamworth is inland, famous for its country music festival, not a top holiday destination usually but Ed picked it because it was the wartmes, sunniest place on the weather map.
After Skye went to bed we drank and feasted until it was time for the first fireworks at 9pm. Lovely show, and I got good video footage. then it was time for pie and a cup of strong coffee so I could stay awake. Meanwhile bleow us Luna Park rocked on with a terrible band booming away at full pitch.
Some friends joined us at ten pm (Eric & Barry say hi David) and we went back on the roof with more champagne for the most spectacular show. The theme is 'a time to dream' and 'hope' which was reflected in the fireworks, more variety of colours and little clouds like thought bubbles every now and again. Great stuff.
Trying to sleep afterwards was a fool's game. They were still partying hard at Luna Park. and the apartment has a lot of big windows. Never mind. It was worth it.
Happy New Year to one and all.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I made Grandma Goodman's stuffing today, the full whack, 2 loaves of bread, celery, hazelnuts, onions, sage and salt all bound together with a pound of butter, yum!!!! And all done with the thermomix which sure takes the grunt out of all that grinding and chopping. There's enough stuffing for next year's turkey as well.
Just read that Peter Roebuck died. Such a shame, although I'm afraid the circumstances of his death may prove murky. Nevertheless, he was one of the finest writers about the game, obviously well educated and with a wide vocabulary used well. I'll miss his newspaper columns and his commentary.
Dirk just called, I've left my camera at their house. It's becoming a ritual, that after babysitting I leave something behind, often something electronic. Last week it was the phone charger. And he grilled me before leaving on Friday, 'have you got your computer, the charger?' etc... 'Yes' said I confidently. NOT!
Ah well, maybe the rot of dementia is setting in. Don't we all dread it? It's like being one of the living dead, you're there but not there. I shall have to do more exercise and keep on with those puzzles to stave off the beast. When I've finished this I'll download some more NY Times crossword puzzles to keep me going.
Just read that Peter Roebuck died. Such a shame, although I'm afraid the circumstances of his death may prove murky. Nevertheless, he was one of the finest writers about the game, obviously well educated and with a wide vocabulary used well. I'll miss his newspaper columns and his commentary.
Dirk just called, I've left my camera at their house. It's becoming a ritual, that after babysitting I leave something behind, often something electronic. Last week it was the phone charger. And he grilled me before leaving on Friday, 'have you got your computer, the charger?' etc... 'Yes' said I confidently. NOT!
Ah well, maybe the rot of dementia is setting in. Don't we all dread it? It's like being one of the living dead, you're there but not there. I shall have to do more exercise and keep on with those puzzles to stave off the beast. When I've finished this I'll download some more NY Times crossword puzzles to keep me going.
Monday, October 31, 2011
mangoes and jacarandas
Ed remarked on all the Jacaranda trees he and Cris saw from the air when they landed in Sydney last Thursday. 'Funny,' say I, 'I've been complaining that I haven't seen any yet.' I've put it down to the cold October.
Of course all the way home in the car Ed pointed out the numerous Jacaranda trees en route, but had the grace to acknowledge they're not very bright and easy to miss. Since then they've appeared all over the place, bright and purple. I love them. When I was working at Uni the appearance of the Jacaranda marked exam time and the end of face to face teaching for three months. A great relief! They only last a couple of weeks but cheer me up every time I see them.
Something else that cheers me is the arrival of mangoes. They've been around for about a month but too expensive to buy unless I win Lotto which I haven't, maybe because I haven't bought tickets??? Now theyr'e reasonably priced and beautifully ripe so I'm tucking in.
Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day, a huge day not only on the racing calendar but all over Australia. With a bit of luck those punters who're planning to fly to Melbourne via QANTAS might be able to make it. The dispute is over...for 3 weeks at least. I've been off QANTAS lately mainly because of cramped airline seating internationally. For my next trip I'm definitely going to look elsewhere after all this.
After aqua exercise I'm going over the road to the Bowling Club with my aqua pals for a Melbourne Cup lunch. There's a hat competitition. Judging by the monstrosities at Prince William and Kate's wedding, I figure I can't go wrong with a paper plate stuck to the side of my head!
Of course all the way home in the car Ed pointed out the numerous Jacaranda trees en route, but had the grace to acknowledge they're not very bright and easy to miss. Since then they've appeared all over the place, bright and purple. I love them. When I was working at Uni the appearance of the Jacaranda marked exam time and the end of face to face teaching for three months. A great relief! They only last a couple of weeks but cheer me up every time I see them.
Something else that cheers me is the arrival of mangoes. They've been around for about a month but too expensive to buy unless I win Lotto which I haven't, maybe because I haven't bought tickets??? Now theyr'e reasonably priced and beautifully ripe so I'm tucking in.
Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day, a huge day not only on the racing calendar but all over Australia. With a bit of luck those punters who're planning to fly to Melbourne via QANTAS might be able to make it. The dispute is over...for 3 weeks at least. I've been off QANTAS lately mainly because of cramped airline seating internationally. For my next trip I'm definitely going to look elsewhere after all this.
After aqua exercise I'm going over the road to the Bowling Club with my aqua pals for a Melbourne Cup lunch. There's a hat competitition. Judging by the monstrosities at Prince William and Kate's wedding, I figure I can't go wrong with a paper plate stuck to the side of my head!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
day of days
Am doing a stint of child minding while Ed & Cristina sail the crystal blue waters of the Whitsunday Islands for 4 days.
Day 1: see them off, take the kids to the pool, lunch at Roselands. Mathew falls asleep in the car on the way home. Big mistake, talk about a power nap - too powerful for him to wind down before 10pm! Meanwhile Grandma has been ready for bed since nine.
I thought I'd give him a day off at home for a change afterwards (the poor kid's been in long day care since he was one year old.) All going well then surprise! Cousin Skye showed up. Hadn't dared to tell Mathew beforehand that she was coming since the excitement levels would have ramped up to uncontrollable.
Skye is a blonde, blue eyed angel who is determined and adventurous. Anything Mathew had she wanted and went to get it. Eventually the novelty wore off for Mathew and he started protesting. The room filled with the sound of 'NOs' as they tussled for possession. Bear in mind Skye usually uses the German 'Nein' but she knew right away which one to use with Mathew.
Then the nightmare begins, We go to pick Annika up from school. It's pouring. Skye hates the plastic cover for the pram and starts pulling it away every time I try to put it on. I give up that idea and tuck in one of the raincoats hanging up in the vestibule over her legs. She rips it off three times, face red with screaming. I manage to secure it enough for us to start out although her feet stick out in the rain. I'm balancing a large umbrella, trying to keep an eye on Mathew with his sister's pink umbrella (which he loves) and pushing the pram on a pavement that slopes steeply to the road, to the accompaniement of Skye's objections. Not a good look.
Of course Annika is thrilled to see her baby cousin. Skye is not so thrilled, still complaining about the whole set up. At least Annika can help out with Mathew, and we cross the street to walk on the flatter pavement. Skye gives up crying and I give up the umbrella, better to be wet than put my back out with the balancing act.
By the time Dirk picks up Skye in the early evening the place looks like a bomb site. It still does the next morning as I write this with one of Ed's warm jackets on and a blanket over my knees. Whatever happened to spring?????
I've forgotten how energy sapping it is to look after three little kids. Things I did without turning a hair at age 30 are so much bigger when I'm 70. Much as I love my grandchildren, it sure is nice having some respite of peace and quiet... but those damn toys are still littering the place. I've got to get off my butt and pick them up before the cleaner comes tomorrow.
Day 1: see them off, take the kids to the pool, lunch at Roselands. Mathew falls asleep in the car on the way home. Big mistake, talk about a power nap - too powerful for him to wind down before 10pm! Meanwhile Grandma has been ready for bed since nine.
Day 2: we all sleep in till 7.30am. Then the rush is on, nutella sandwich, fruit twist bar, chips, popper drink and water in Annika's bag. Did I tell you the temperature is going to be 35 degrees today? Change of clothes for Mathew, water and toy aeroplanes for show and tell. He's going to talk about seeing mum and dad off at the airport. I rush to aqau aerobics only to find it's outdoors. Good job I carry a rashie (swimming shirt) and hat in my bag. Had to pinch some of the instructor's sun screen. Being in the water was the best place to be. Sweltered in the heat for the rest of the day.
Day 3: Tuesday, Big Day for Mathew, his first orientation at BIG SCHOOL - he starts early next year. (By now the temperature has plummeted to the early teens, and it's raining.) The kid didn't miss a beat when I left him there, surrounded by girls from his day care he was off with them without a backward glance.
Skye is a blonde, blue eyed angel who is determined and adventurous. Anything Mathew had she wanted and went to get it. Eventually the novelty wore off for Mathew and he started protesting. The room filled with the sound of 'NOs' as they tussled for possession. Bear in mind Skye usually uses the German 'Nein' but she knew right away which one to use with Mathew.
Then the nightmare begins, We go to pick Annika up from school. It's pouring. Skye hates the plastic cover for the pram and starts pulling it away every time I try to put it on. I give up that idea and tuck in one of the raincoats hanging up in the vestibule over her legs. She rips it off three times, face red with screaming. I manage to secure it enough for us to start out although her feet stick out in the rain. I'm balancing a large umbrella, trying to keep an eye on Mathew with his sister's pink umbrella (which he loves) and pushing the pram on a pavement that slopes steeply to the road, to the accompaniement of Skye's objections. Not a good look.
Of course Annika is thrilled to see her baby cousin. Skye is not so thrilled, still complaining about the whole set up. At least Annika can help out with Mathew, and we cross the street to walk on the flatter pavement. Skye gives up crying and I give up the umbrella, better to be wet than put my back out with the balancing act.
By the time Dirk picks up Skye in the early evening the place looks like a bomb site. It still does the next morning as I write this with one of Ed's warm jackets on and a blanket over my knees. Whatever happened to spring?????
I've forgotten how energy sapping it is to look after three little kids. Things I did without turning a hair at age 30 are so much bigger when I'm 70. Much as I love my grandchildren, it sure is nice having some respite of peace and quiet... but those damn toys are still littering the place. I've got to get off my butt and pick them up before the cleaner comes tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tethered Roof Man
Have had a shock today. Looking out of my office window I see a man on the roof next door, complete with bum crack, cleaning the eaves. I'm glad to see he's tethered, not sure of my emergency nursing skills these days although I know the latest CPR drill. More compressions than breaths (30:2 I think) That's hard to keep up isn't it? They've had more changes than Paris Hilton on a night out.
Should I wave? I feel a bit like ferry riders compelled to wave to yachties in Sydney harbour. But I don't want to distract him. Even with the tether he could break a limb. He has a green plastic bag full of detritus. How's he going to get it down? I assume there's a ladder but I can't see it and I don't want to stand up to look. Distraction again.
Another tether. In his ears. He's plugged into an IPod or phone, can't see which. But if he's listening to music he's not moving to the rhythm thank goodness.
As you can see. This has made my day!!!!
Should I wave? I feel a bit like ferry riders compelled to wave to yachties in Sydney harbour. But I don't want to distract him. Even with the tether he could break a limb. He has a green plastic bag full of detritus. How's he going to get it down? I assume there's a ladder but I can't see it and I don't want to stand up to look. Distraction again.
Another tether. In his ears. He's plugged into an IPod or phone, can't see which. But if he's listening to music he's not moving to the rhythm thank goodness.
As you can see. This has made my day!!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
It's all about food today
Probably because I did aqua aerobics and I was starving afterwards. I bought bananas, something I have not purchased since I was in NZ in April. Why? Because floods in Queensland ruined the crop and they've been as much as $15.99 a kilo. No banana is worth that much. I would like to see Australia import them like NZ does, those cheap little suckers ($1.99 a kilo) were from Ecuador and the Phillipines and were delicious. But no...we do not import bananas, we have to have home grown ones no matter how much they cost. They're down to $6.99 a kilo. They looked alright so I bought 2...bananas that is not 2kgs.
NZ has been trying to get Australia to purchase their apples. The Aussies claim they have some sort of blight that they don't want here. After 99 years of trying the Kiwis have succeeded. They have to do all sorts of spraying and washing beforehand and label the apples as 'product of New Zealand.' Do you see a pattern here? Isn't it called protectionism? Aren't we supposed to not be doing that?
I left the pool dreaming about the Morrocan lamb dish I made last night from an English Woman's Weekly recipe, very simple, started off on top of the stove and cooked in the oven. Now that I have one of those kinds of pots (thank you Maxine) I love these kinds of recipes. You can use a relatively cheap cut of lamb. I say relatively because lamb has suddenly become the most expensive cut of meat when it used to be the cheapest. What happened? Maybe the sheep got washed away in those Queensland floods, and heaven forbid that we should import any! I have no idea. With a can of tomatoes, tomatoe paste, red lentils, potatoes, onion, garlic and all the spices it makes a tasty one-dish meal.
We often talk about food when we're in the pool, on account of the fact that we exercise at or just before lunch time. My tummy was rumbling most of the exercise hour today although our new instructor distracted us by working us hard. She showed up our regular instructors as somewhat complacent slobs. There was no cruising with this chick. It was great.
At home I turned on the TV to see where Hurricane Irene is and whether it's blasted my niece Krista out of her Brooklyn apartment yet. Her last facebook entry tells me she's okay.
Now after lunch I'm beginning to feel sleepy. I think I deserve a nap today. Bye for now.
NZ has been trying to get Australia to purchase their apples. The Aussies claim they have some sort of blight that they don't want here. After 99 years of trying the Kiwis have succeeded. They have to do all sorts of spraying and washing beforehand and label the apples as 'product of New Zealand.' Do you see a pattern here? Isn't it called protectionism? Aren't we supposed to not be doing that?
I left the pool dreaming about the Morrocan lamb dish I made last night from an English Woman's Weekly recipe, very simple, started off on top of the stove and cooked in the oven. Now that I have one of those kinds of pots (thank you Maxine) I love these kinds of recipes. You can use a relatively cheap cut of lamb. I say relatively because lamb has suddenly become the most expensive cut of meat when it used to be the cheapest. What happened? Maybe the sheep got washed away in those Queensland floods, and heaven forbid that we should import any! I have no idea. With a can of tomatoes, tomatoe paste, red lentils, potatoes, onion, garlic and all the spices it makes a tasty one-dish meal.
We often talk about food when we're in the pool, on account of the fact that we exercise at or just before lunch time. My tummy was rumbling most of the exercise hour today although our new instructor distracted us by working us hard. She showed up our regular instructors as somewhat complacent slobs. There was no cruising with this chick. It was great.
At home I turned on the TV to see where Hurricane Irene is and whether it's blasted my niece Krista out of her Brooklyn apartment yet. Her last facebook entry tells me she's okay.
Now after lunch I'm beginning to feel sleepy. I think I deserve a nap today. Bye for now.
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