Tuesday, February 1, 2011

now I know the new year has really begun

The regular radio announcers and TV presenters are back on air. The kids are back at school (in 100 degree weather poor things!) traffic is back, no more carefree cruising around Sydney, which it appears has been voted one of the least popular cities in OZ. Traffic and transport is one of the reasons for its lowly status. I still love it, I dont' care what they say, although I get as frustrated as the next one at not being able to find parking.

It is too hot to write so this will be short. Have to tell you a little anecdote though.

I was taking Annika back home after her holiday stay with me. She asks me what 'grounded' means. Being a sociology graduate I explain as simply as I can about having one's feet firmly planted in the earth, not being up yourself if you get famous etc. 'Do you understand Annika?' I say in my most gentle voice, marvelling at the depth of question from a seven year old.

'Yes but there's another meaning Grandma. When you're naughty....'

I burst out laughing. There I am getting all esoteric, and all she wansd was confirmation of a concept she knows already. She'll probably experience a few 'groundings' in her growing up years.

Melissa & Mark, her boyfriend
We celebrated Melissa's 20th, only one more year to the big one.